Monday, October 19, 2009

Writing - Kindergarten

For Kindergartners, writing is a difficult task. Use worksheets and tasks that help them master their writing and then move to more difficult tasks. For example, if they have trouble writing their names, make them write their name on each piece of paper they have until they master it.

A former co-teacher of mine came up with a brilliant writing task. She cut out colored and white paper into half notebook size. Then, she had the students write their names on 2 pieces of the colored paper and decorate it as they liked. She had them staple a number of white pages inside (maybe 20 or so) to make a book.

Writing Activity:

Have the students choose a book from the bookshelf and take it to their desks.
Have them look through the book to find words that they know.
In their notebook, have them write those words (the number of words depends on their level and ability).
When they are finished, have them come to you and read the words.
If they read them all, give them a sticker (or whatever else you want to do, like a check or a star).
If they can't read one of the words, have them find another word they know and can read.
If the students are more advanced, ask them what the word means or to use the word in a sentence (verbal, not written).
Have the students put their books away.

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